Applied Immunology 101

*All MS/PhD students working on Immuno-engineering projects should go through the entire list of the following courses:
UCSD Extention School - BIOL40371 Applied Immunology by Dr. Annelise Snyder
Week 1: Introduction to Immunology]
— 1-1:
Intro to Immunology
— 1-2:
Category of Immune Responses
— 1-3:
Lymphoid Organs and Lymphatics

Week 2: Innate Immunity I]
— 2-1: Introduction to
Innate Immunity
— 2-2:
Receptors (PRRs) & Signaling
— 2-3:
Programmed Cell Death (PCD) and The Complement System

[Week 3: Innate Immunity II]
— 3-1:
Antigen Processing ***
— 3-2:
Antigen Presentation ***
— 3-3:
Innate Lymphoid Cells

[Week 4: T Cell Development, Signaling, and Function]***
— 4-1:
Lymphocyte Antigen Receptors
— 4-2:
T-Cell Development ***
— 4-3:
T-Cell Signaling + Activation

[Week 5: B Cell Development, Signaling, and Function]***
— 5-1:
B Cell Development
— 5-2:
B Cell Signaling + Activation
— 5-3:
B Cell + Antibody Function

[Week 6: Experimental Methods in Immunology]***
— 6-1:
In Vitro Cell Types
— 6-2:
Antibody Techniques
— 6-3:
Mouse Models

[Week 7: Immunological Tools/Methods for Clinical Diagnostics]
— 7-1:
Clinical Diagnostics
— 7-2:
Flow Cytometry

[Week 8: Immune Responses to Infections and Vaccines]
— 8-1:
Comprehensive Immune Responses to Infections
— 8-2:
Vaccine Design
— 8-3:
SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine

[Week 9: Allergy, Autoimmunity, and Transplantation]
— 9-1:
— 9-2:
— 9-3:
Transplantation Immunology

[Weeek 10: Tumor Immunology]
— 10-1:
Mucosal Immunology
— 10-2:
Cancer Biology & Immune Evasion
— 10-3:
Cancer Immunotherapy

 [Fully humanized mouse models for Immuno-Oncology preclinical drug candidate selection]

Pieces of a Puzzle: T-Cell Activation